Emotional Intelligence Course Think Like a Leader Certification Management Training Course #Dubai at Dubai, Dubai

Source: Emotional Intelligence Course Think Like a Leader Certification Management Training Course #Dubai at Dubai, Dubai

Understanding and raising your Emotional Intelligence is essential to your success in the realm of leadership, and this course teaches you how to do so, including:

  • Understand emotions and effectively apply this knowledge to strengthen leadership
  • Realise your potential as a leader via effective use of EQ techniques and tactics
  • Develop and master the outstanding emotional skills required to be a leader
  • Grasp and utilise the psychological aspects of EI to become an indisputable leader
  • Discover how to apply EQ to build teamwork and accountable leadership

About Rami Kantari

Professional Speaker and Trainer based in Dubai. Training subjects: communication skills, leadership qualities, leadership skills, customer service skills, management training courses, business training, supervisory skills, customer service training, management training programs, management training, communication skills training, leadership training, leadership courses, management courses, communications skills, team building, leadership qualities, leadership skills, presentation skills, customer service skills, management training courses, business training, result oriented, good leadership skills, course, training, leadership, supervisor course, new supervisor, supervisory skills, skills of management, customer service training, management training programs, management training, communication skills training, leadership training, management courses,
This entry was posted in Business, certification programs, course, Dubai, dubai management training, Executive Training Dubai, hr training, human resources training, leadership, leadership training, leadership training dubai, management, management training courses, management training dubai, personal development, rami kantari, self development, seminars, Training, training and development, training courses dubai and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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